Packet #6, Direction: Out, Time:22:41:47.650
Ethernet II
	Destination MAC: 00:00:E8:7B:B5:49
	Source MAC: 00:02:DD:7C:7E:7F
	Ethertype: 0x0800 (2048) - IP
	IP version: 0x04 (4)
	Header length: 0x05 (5) - 20 bytes
	Type of service: 0x00 (0)
		Precedence: 000 - Routine
		Delay: 0 - Normal delay
		Throughput: 0 - Normal throughput
		Reliability: 0 - Normal reliability
	Total length: 0x0028 (40)
	ID: 0x7F76 (32630)
		Don't fragment bit: 1 - Don't fragment
		More fragments bit: 0 - Last fragment
	Fragment offset: 0x0000 (0)
	Time to live: 0x80 (128)
	Protocol: 0x06 (6) - TCP
	Checksum: 0xD003 (53251) - correct
	Source IP:
	Destination IP:
	IP Options: None
	Source port: 1041
	Destination port: 4000
	Sequence: 0x003C288D (3942541)
	Acknowledgement: 0x0041F063 (4321379)
	Header length: 0x05 (5) - 20 bytes
	Flags: FIN ACK 
		URG: 0
		ACK: 1
		PSH: 0
		RST: 0
		SYN: 0
		FIN: 1
	Window: 0x2238 (8760)
	Checksum: 0xB526 (46374) - correct
	Urgent Pointer: 0x0000 (0)
	TCP Options: None
	Data length: 0x0 (0)
Raw Data:
0x0000   00 00 E8 7B B5 49 00 02-DD 7C 7E 7F 08 00 45 00   ..è{µI..Ý|~..E.
0x0010   00 28 7F 76 40 00 80 06-D0 03 C0 A8 15 02 C0 A8   .(v@.€.Ð.À¨..À¨
0x0020   15 03 04 11 0F A0 00 3C-28 8D 00 41 F0 63 50 11   ..... .<(.AðcP.
0x0030   22 38 B5 26 00 00                                 "8µ&..
