Information for Authors
1. Submissions
The Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (JIHMSP) is an academic journal publishing theoretical, application-oriented, and review and survey papers on all aspects of information hiding or multimedia signal processing. The submission implies that it has not been published before or it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.
Publication of submissions will be decided after peer-reviews, within four months of receipt. Accepted articles will generally be published within one year thereafter.
Perspective authors can submit their manuscripts online at: Submissions should be in PDF format. Should there be any assistance to the authors, please inform the JIHMSP Editorial Office by email:
2. Manuscript Layout
Manuscripts should be typewritten in English. The front page should contain the article title, author's name and affiliation, abstract and keywords. The abstract should not exceed 200 words and should be intelligible to general readers without recourse to the main text. Authors are suggested to use the Latex template ( jihmsp.cls ) to prepare for the manuscript.
If you using Microsoft Word to prepare your manuscript, please use the Word template( JIHMSP-Word_Template ).
Articles should, in general, begin with an introduction which adequately covers the literature and scope of the paper. Each section in the paper should be numbered. Each article should have, in general, a conclusion or discussion section. Any appendices should follow the Reference section.
3. Illustrations
Proper figure preparation, in Encapsulated Postscript format, is essential for optimum reproduction of line drawing and photograph. Figures and Tables should be placed as part of the text and should be numbered.
4. References
References should be listed at the end of the main text. The list of references should be in alphabetical order of first-cited names. The normal form of listed references is author's initials, surname; article title; journal name (abbreviated in accordance with the World List of Scientific Periodicals, 4th ed.); volume number; issue number; page numbers; year.
5. Copyright/Offprints
Authors will be asked to transfer copyright of the article to the Publisher. This will ensure the widest possible protection and dissemination of information under copyright laws.
Accepted manuscripts can be prepared with Latex or Microsoft Word and publication fees will be honored. Further offprints can be ordered at extra cost at the proof stage.
Acceptance of LaTex by the JIHMSP
The authors will be asked to provide the LaTex source files after the submission is accepted for publication. In preparing the paper, please use the attached JIHMSP style files for submission (jihmsp.cls, jihmsp-sample, PDF), and ensure that all the macros used to write your paper accompany the manuscript. If you have any questions about the use of this file in preparing your paper, please contact the editorial office. Please follow all the usual instructions to authors as detailed above. It is very important to follow the correct referencing system.