四子一丙 數位實習

Assignment List

  1. 2023-09-14: Locate and comment Karnaugh map reduction tools
  2. 2023-09-21: Ch2三(一)(三)(五)(六)
  3. 2023-09-28: Ch2三(二)(四)(八)(九)
  4. 2023-09-28: Ch3三(一)9 (decision-making) using Logisim or similars
  5. 2023-10-12: Ch3三(二)2 (4-bit adder/subtractor), pp. 3-25
  6. 2023-10-12: Ch3三(二)2 (4-bit adder/subtractor), pp. 3-25 using Digital
  7. 2023-10-12: Locate and comment digital logic simulators other than Logisim and Digital
  8. 2023-10-19: Ch4 Decimal (0~7) to 7S-LED encoder/decoder with 74LS148 and 74LS47
  9. 2023-10-19: Ch4 Odd parity with 74LS138 and 74LS30
  10. 2023-10-19: Ch4 Hexidecimal to 7S-LED decoder using Logisim or similars
  11. 2023-10-26: Ch5 full adder using 74LS153 and 74LS14
  12. 2023-10-26: Ch6三(一)2 (pp. 6-22) comparator
  13. 2023-10-26: Gray code encoder/decoder using Logisim or similars
  14. 2023-11-02: Ch7三(四): Oscillator with CMOS (Fig. E7-4)
  15. 2023-11-02: Ch7三(七): Oscillator with 555 (Fig. E7-7)
  16. 2023-11-09: One-shot with 555 (Fig. E8-6, R: VR 500k, C: 10uF)
  17. 2023-11-09: One-shot with 74121 (Fig. E8-7(b), RT: VR 10k, CT: 1000uF)
  18. 2023-11-23: Master-Slave JK Flip-Flop using Logisim (Fig. 9-13)
  19. 2023-11-23: Frequency divider with 7476 (Fig. E9-9)
  20. 2023-11-23: 4-bit counter with 2 7476 (Fig. 9-21) (design your own debounce circuitry)
  21. 2023-11-30: 0 to 9 counter with 2 7476 and a 7400
  22. 2023-11-30: 14 to 8 downward counter with 2 7476 and a 7400 (Extend Fig. 10-3)
  23. 2023-11-30: 4-bit synchronous counter with 2 7476 and a 7408(Fig. 10-8)
  24. 2023-12-07: RAM
  25. 2023-12-14: Locate and experience Arduno simulators and/or schematic drawing tools
  26. 2023-12-14: Ch3三(一)9 (decision-making) with Arduino
  27. 2023-12-21: Oscillator with Arduino with variable frequency and duty cycle
  28. 2023-12-21: One-shot with Arduino with variable duration
  29. 2023-12-21: IC Tester (74LS00/74LS08)
  30. 2023-12-21: IC Tester (74LS76)
  31. 2024-12-28: Sine wave with variable frequency/Triagle wave with variable skew rate, Function Generator (Function_Generator.zip)


  • Logisim 2.7.1
  • Digital v0.30 by hneemann/Digital
  • Java Runtime Environment 8u231
  • CircuitLab, 15.zip

    Submission List

    Group No.MembersSubmissions
    1C112152327 楊宗翰
    C112152339 郭承諭
    C112152350 胡景翔
    #01(09/14), #02(09/21), #03(09/28), #04(09/28), #05(10/12), #06(10/12), #07(10/12), #08(10/19), #09(10/19), #10(10/19)
    #11(10/26), #12(10/26), #13(10/26), #14(11/02), #15(11/02), #16(11/09), #17(11/09), #18(11/23), #19(11/23), #20(11/23)
    #21(11/30), #22(11/30), #23(11/30), #24(12/07), #25(12/21), #26(12/14), #27(12/21), #28(12/21), #29(12/21), #30(12/21)
    2C112152321 高鈴舒
    C112152337 張軒嘉
    C112152342 黃上銘
    #01(09/14), #02(09/21), #03(09/28), #04(09/28), #05(10/13), #06(10/12), #07(10/15), #08(10/19), #09(10/19), #10(10/19)
    #11(10/26), #12(10/26), #13(10/26), #14(11/02), #15(11/02), #16(11/09), #17(11/09), #18(11/23), #19(11/23), #20(11/24)
    #21(12/07), #22(11/30), #23(12/11), #24(12/07), #25(12/24), #26(12/14), #27(12/21), #28(12/21), #29(12/21), #30(12/21)
    3C112152317 呂紹齊
    C112152332 郭政暘
    C112152340 賴銘億
    #01(09/14), #02(09/21), #03(09/28), #04(09/28), #05(10/19), #06(10/12), #07(10/14), #08(10/26), #09(10/19), #10(10/19)
    #11(10/26), #12(10/26), #13(10/26), #14(11/02), #15(11/02), #16(11/09), #17(11/09), #18(11/23), #19(11/23), #20(11/23)
    #21(11/30), #22(12/07), #23(11/30), #24(12/07), #25(12/16), #26(12/14), #27(12/21), #28(12/14), #29(12/21), #30(12/21)
    4C112152301 王星叡
    C112152348 曾紹溏
    C112152355 鄧宇廷
    #01(09/17), #02(10/26), #03(09/28), #04(09/28), #05(10/12), #06(10/12), #07(10/16), #08(10/19), #09(10/19), #10(10/19)
    #11(10/26), #12(10/26), #13(10/26), #14(11/02), #15(11/02), #16(11/09), #17(11/09), #18(11/23), #19(11/23), #20(11/23)
    #21(11/30), #22(11/30), #23(11/30), #24(12/07), #25(12/28), #26(12/14), #27(12/21), #28(12/21), #29(12/14), #30(12/28)
    5C112152311 謝修瑜
    C112152356 謝孟縉
    C112152357 丁維暘
    #01(09/15), #02(09/24), #03(09/28), #04(09/28), #05(10/12), #06(10/12), #07(10/14), #08(10/19), #09(10/19), #10(10/19)
    #11(10/26), #12(10/26), #13(10/26), #14(11/02), #15(11/02), #16(11/09), #17(11/09), #18(11/23), #19(11/23), #20(11/23)
    #21(11/30), #23(12/07), #24(12/07), #24(12/07), #25(12/20), #26(12/14), #27(12/21), #28(12/21), #29(12/21), #30(12/28)
    6C112152303 劉建亨
    C112152310 王柏智
    C112152319 郭曜誠
    #01(09/14), #02(09/28), #03(10/16), #04(09/28), #05(10/18), #06(10/12), #07(10/22), #08(10/19), #09(10/19), #10(10/26)
    #11(10/26), #12(10/26), #13(10/26), #14(11/02), #15(11/02), #16(11/09), #17(11/09), #18(11/23), #19(11/23), #20(11/23)
    #21(12/03), #22(12/17), #23(12/17), #24(12/07), #25(12/21), #26(12/17), #27(12/21), #28(12/21), #29(01/01), #30(01/01)
    7C112152330 羅立宇
    C112152335 黃宗禾
    C112152343 李冠霆
    #01(09/16), #02(09/21), #03(09/28), #04(09/28), #05(10/12), #06(10/12), #07(10/14), #08(10/19), #09(10/19), #10(10/19)
    #11(10/26), #12(10/26), #13(10/26), #14(11/02), #15(11/02), #16(11/09), #17(11/09), #18(11/23), #19(11/23), #20(11/23)
    #21(12/07), #22(12/07), #23(12/07), #24(12/07), #25(12/21), #26(12/14), #27(12/21), #28(12/21), #29(12/21), #30(12/21)
    8C112152322 黃愷威
    C112152323 邱逸安
    C112152338 徐丞霆
    #01(09/17), #02(09/28), #03(10/12), #04(09/28), #05(11/02), #06(10/12), #07(10/22), #09(11/02), #10(10/26)
    #11(11/23), #12(10/26), #13(10/26), #14(11/23), #15(11/02), #16(11/09), #17(11/09), #18(11/23), #19(11/23)
    #24(12/07), #25(12/28), #26(12/14), #27(12/21), #28(12/28), #29(12/28), #30(12/28)
    9C112152315 王耀偉
    C112152325 鐘文廷
    C112152336 王宣翰
    #01(09/15), #02(09/21), #03(09/28), #04(09/28), #05(10/12), #06(10/12), #07(10/13), #08(10/19), #09(10/19), #10(10/19)
    #11(10/26), #12(10/26), #13(10/26), #14(11/02), #15(11/02), #16(11/09), #17(11/09), #18(11/23), #19(11/23), #20(11/23)
    #21(11/30), #22(11/30), #23(11/30), #24(12/07), #25(12/16), #26(12/14), #27(12/14), #28(12/21), #29(12/21), #30(12/21)
    10C112152313 莊幃丞
    C112152326 呂明翰
    C112152334 楊承翰
    #01(09/17), #02(09/21), #03(10/12), #04(09/28), #05(10/19), #06(10/12), #07(10/19), #08(11/02), #09(11/02), #10(10/19)
    #11(10/26), #12(10/26), #13(10/26), #14(11/02), #15(11/02), #16(11/09), #17(11/09), #18(11/23), #19(11/23), #20(11/23)
    #21(11/30), #22(11/30), #23(11/30), #24(12/07), #25(12/18), #26(12/14), #27(12/21), #28(12/21), #29(12/21), #30(12/21)
    11C112152307 藍信安
    C112152320 徐近凱
    C112152331 蔡建華
    #01(09/15), #02(09/22), #03(09/28), #04(09/28), #05(10/12), #06(10/12), #07(10/15), #08(10/20), #09(10/20), #10(10/19)
    #11(10/26), #12(10/26), #13(10/26), #14(11/02), #15(11/02), #16(11/09), #17(11/09), #18(11/23), #19(11/23), #20(11/26)
    #21(12/18), #22(11/30), #23(12/07), #24(12/07), #25(12/18), #26(12/14), #27(12/14), #28(12/18), #29(12/21), #30(12/21)
    12C112152341 王翊安
    C112152346 陳翊翔
    C112152351 劉貴恩
    #01(09/14), #02(10/12), #03(10/12), #04(09/28), #05(11/02), #06(10/12), #07(10/15), #08(11/23), #09(11/23), #10(10/19)
    #11(11/23), #12(10/26), #13(10/26), #14(11/02), #15(11/02), #16(11/09), #17(11/09), #18(11/23), #19(11/23), #20(11/23)
    #21(11/30), #22(11/30), #23(11/30), #24(12/07), #26(12/14), #27(12/21), #28(12/21), #29(12/21), #30(12/21)
    13C112152302 賴禹璇
    C112152316 王昱涵
    C112152318 林怡君
    #01(09/23), #02(09/23), #03(09/28), #04(09/28), #05(10/12), #06(10/12), #07(10/12), #08(10/19), #09(10/19), #10(10/19)
    #11(10/26), #12(10/26), #13(10/26), #14(11/02), #15(11/02), #16(11/09), #17(11/09), #18(11/23), #19(11/23), #20(11/23)
    #21(11/30), #22(12/14), #23(12/14), #24(12/07), #25(01/04), #26(12/14), #27(12/21), #28(12/21), #29(12/21), #30(12/28)
    14C112152304 陳家嫻
    C112152324 楊采融
    C112152328 顏詠婕
    #01(09/17), #02(09/21), #03(09/28), #04(09/28), #05(10/12), #06(10/12), #07(10/12), #08(10/19), #09(10/19), #10(10/22)
    #11(10/26), #12(10/26), #13(10/26), #14(11/02), #15(11/02), #16(11/09), #17(11/09), #18(11/23), #19(11/23), #20(11/23)
    #21(11/30), #22(11/30), #23(11/30), #24(12/07), #25(12/14), #26(12/14), #27(12/21), #28(12/21), #29(12/28), #30(01/01)
    15C112152309 許博翔
    C112152312 高睿岑
    C112152352 張香偉
    #01(09/17), #04(09/28), #05(10/19), #06(10/12), #07(10/23), #08(10/23), #09(10/26), #10(10/19)
    #11(10/26), #12(10/26), #13(10/26), #14(11/02), #15(11/02), #16(11/09), #17(11/09), #18(11/23), #19(11/23), #20(11/23)
    #21(12/12), #22(12/13), #24(12/07), #25(01/11), #26(12/14), #27(12/21), #28(12/21), #29(12/21), #30(12/21)
    16C112152308 蕭睿誠
    C112152345 陳宇灝
    C112152354 康峻維
    #01(09/16), #02(09/21), #03(09/28), #04(09/28), #05(11/02), #06(10/12), #07(10/19), #08(10/19), #09(10/26), #10(10/19)
    #11(10/26), #12(10/26), #13(10/26), #14(11/02), #15(11/02), #16(11/09), #17(11/09), #18(11/23), #19(11/23), #20(11/30)
    #21(12/07), #22(12/07), #23(12/07), #25(12/18), #26(12/14), #27(12/21), #28(12/21), #29(12/28)
    17C112152305 賴育成
    C112152329 黃御銓
    C112152333 黃智裕
    #01(09/16), #02(09/21), #03(09/28), #04(09/28), #05(10/12), #06(10/12), #07(10/21), #08(10/19), #09(10/19), #10(10/19)
    #11(10/26), #12(10/26), #13(10/26), #14(11/02), #15(11/02), #16(11/09), #17(11/09), #18(11/23), #19(11/23), #20(11/23)
    #21(11/30), #22(11/30), #23(11/30), #24(12/07), #25(12/20), #26(12/14), #27(12/21), #28(12/21), #29(12/21), #30(12/21)
    18C112152314 董承哲
    C112152344 蕭詠良
    C110152305 歐陽妙宜
    #01(09/15), #02(09/21), #03(09/28), #04(09/28), #05(10/12), #06(10/12), #07(10/19), #08(10/19), #09(10/19), #10(10/19)
    #11(10/26), #12(10/26), #13(10/26), #14(11/02), #15(11/02), #16(11/09), #17(11/09), #18(11/23), #19(11/23), #20(11/23)
    #21(11/30), #22(11/30), #23(11/30), #24(12/07), #25(12/14), #26(12/14), #27(12/21), #28(12/21), #29(12/21), #30(12/21)
    19C112152347 王永興
    C112152349 黃詠瑞
    C112152353 林彥宇
    #01(09/16), #02(09/28), #03(10/26), #04(11/02), #05(11/09), #06(11/02), #07(10/26), #08(11/09), #09(11/09), #10(11/02)
    #11(11/23), #12(11/23), #13(11/09), #14(11/23), #15(11/23), #16(11/23), #17(11/23), #18(11/30), #19(11/23), #20(11/30)
    #21(12/07), #22(12/08), #23(12/08), #25(12/28), #26(12/14), #27(12/21), #28(12/21), #29(12/28)
    20C110152306 魏廷霖
    C110152316 張睿顯
    #01(09/20), #02(09/21), #03(09/28), #04(10/12), #05(10/19), #06(10/26), #07(10/16), #08(10/25), #09(10/25), #10(10/26)
    #11(11/01), #12(11/14), #13(10/26), #14(11/02), #15(01/04), #16(11/14), #17(11/02), #18(01/04), #19(12/04), #20(11/30)
    #21(12/28), #22(12/28), #23(01/05), #25(01/03), #26(12/17), #27(01/05), #28(01/04), #29(01/04), #30(12/21)
    21C112152306 湯尊全
    C109152227 黃俊業
    C109152281 王斯翰
    #01(09/17), #02(09/21), #03(09/28), #04(09/28), #05(10/12), #06(10/12), #07(10/15), #08(10/19), #09(10/26), #10(10/19)
    #11(11/02), #12(11/02), #13(10/26), #14(11/02), #15(11/02), #16(11/09), #17(11/09), #18(11/23), #20(11/30)
    #21(12/07), #22(12/07), #23(12/07), #26(12/21), #29(01/11)
    22C110196130 朱芝諆
    C110152155 裴維德
    #01(09/24), #02(09/21), #03(09/28), #04(10/03), #05(10/15), #06(10/19), #07(10/14), #08(10/25), #09(10/25), #10(10/21)
    #11(11/01), #12(11/16), #13(11/01), #14(11/02), #15(11/09), #16(11/09), #17(11/12), #18(12/01), #19(11/30), #20(11/30)
    #21(12/31), #22(12/31), #23(01/10), #25(12/19), #26(12/14), #27(01/10), #28(01/04), #29(01/05), #30(12/21)



